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Food Sustainability: What’s all the hype about?

Lately there is a buzz around food sustainability. But what exactly does the term mean? Simply put, food sustainability is all about producing food in a way that protects the environment, makes efficient use of natural resources, ensures that farmers can support themselves, and enhances the quality of life in communities that produce food. 

Joe’s contribution to a greener economy

Joe, one of our newest Stone Soupers, explains how sustainability can help us build a greener future. During our conversation, we found out what fascinates him about Athens, and, in return,we got some advice on how we can minimize food waste at home or in the office. 

coworkers in christmas; different members of our community

Joe was studying in the University of Cambridge, when a Greek friend shared some intriguing stories about life in Athens. Years later, he jumped on the opportunity to take a long break from life in London, and explore the city he’d heard so much about. Joe’s pursuit for new, sunnier experiences, brought him to Athens, and Stone Soup.

Warmer weather… Warmer people?

Even in winter, Joe still seems excited about the climate of our city. One of the things he’s been enjoying in Athens is that although it’s a vibrant and busy metropolis, people are much more relaxed and easy-going compared to Londoners. He also seems a bit intrigued by the many cafés in Athens that offer sidewalk seating, which, to him, makes the urban landscape seem more welcoming and warm.

food sustainability; sharing is caring

Sustainability: The only way forward

Joe follows the entire food production process, from the first stages of farming until it finally reaches our table. He actually is the one who makes sure that the right choices are made so that a greener approach is guaranteed. 

Since the field is relatively new and frequently confusing, Joe was happy to clarify some terms: He explained that his duties are mostly pertinent to data gathering and analysis. That way, he can ensure that all kinds of waste (energy, resource or produce), are minimized.

Sharing really is caring!

An interesting link between food sustainability and the mentality of co-working spaces emerged while talking to Joe. At first they may not seem that relevant but a closer look highlights a common goal: They both focus on ways to reduce waste. 

Co-working spaces offer shared spaces, energy and resources: They clearly value the importance of waste reduction! So, since we also care about the issue at hand, we asked the expert: Joe shared some hacks and tips on how we can decrease food waste in our own kitchen. We already tried some of them, and if you do too, you can share your experience with us, and make Joe proud with your sustainable cooking skills!