iBeacon Hack Night
Last Monday we organized our first hack night at Stone Soup
On Saturday, January 11th we hosted the second Appsterdam Greece Guru Session.
Guru Sessions are informal, very hands-on workshops by the community for the community.
During the day Yannis Gravezas introduced participants to the basics of computer vision and NUI development using the MS Kinect.
At the end of the session everybody had written his/her own visual application for hand tracking from scratch and learnt all about the jargon and the mechanics of computer vision.
We will be hosting the next session soon, so keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter.
About The Presenter
Yannis is a NUI engineer and active contributor to the Open Kinect project. He is the author of LuaVision, a scripting NUI platform.
His work has been utilised by organizations like the Athenian School of Fine Arts and european projects for patient rehabilitation.